Jugaad. It’s one of those untranslatable words, a Hindi term used to describe the application of necessary creativity to finding everyday solutions. It’s about making due with what you have, not in a resigned way, but in an innovative, active way and it’s one of the things I admire most about the Indian subcontinent: jugaad is a lifestyle. But it turns out I didn’t have to look on the other side of the world because jugaad exists at home (literally) too – in the form of my dad, Randy Hodges, the Manteo Blacksmith, and his ironwork creations. He takes other people’s castoffs (whether in the form of old tools, used silverware, scrap iron, random flea market purchases..) whose original uses are often taken for granted and turns them into art, in a constant cycle of repurposing. The end result: pieces that show the life of things from constantly shifting angles, just like the ebb and flow of life in the subcontinent where jugaad is an art form. Read more about him at http://www.arcmagazine.pub/randy-hodges/ – and check out these other photos I took of him in action. For photos of his work, have a look at his website.